Friday, January 15, 2010

Quick Question

I've been incredibly busy with school and useless project-mates, and Shawn is in Brunei. So here's a quick question till we can find some time to post::

What's your favourite DISNEY song?

Mine's definitely You'll be in my heart from Tarzan. It's a very corny uplifting kind of song but it's really touching, really real! Obviously it makes me think of my boyfriend, ha. Even though he's not an ape-boy, you know...

My next favourite song would be Find Yourself from Cars, but I'm not sure if Cars is a Disney movie. I like that one because I was lost for so many years before finally finding a foothold somewhere. I'm not entirely sure of myself yet, but I know what it feels like to sink your roots in somewhere, and to feel... so much better. It's basically about growing up, and I think that's an issue everyone deals with. Some people more than others, of course.

1 comment:

  1. Mine is 'Go the Distance'

    'You'll be in my heart' is really good too!
