Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Pokemon Theme

In line with my enduring obsession with pokemon... and in view of the new HeartGold and SoulSilver versions released this week, PMP takes a look at what makes the original (season 1) Pokemon theme SO WONDERFUL.

1. It's catchy

2. The lyrics follow a simple aabb rhyming style and are therefore easy to singalong to!

3. They mean something.

I know nothing of meter and what have you so I can't comment in depth on the music, but I can say that the lyrics contribute a whole lot to the song. Only so much of an instrumental can be remembered by a child. Giving him or her something to sing along to, and to watch whilst singing along to, is a surefire way of embedding that song in his or her mind.

Because come on, how many of us didn't know the Pokerap? I know I could rap it by heart.

Unfortunately most who grew up with pokemon on TV didn't know the rest of the song since only the chorus and first verse were shown in the opening sequence. But that's ok. The rest of the song is pretty repetitive. Still catchy though.

I can't embed it, but do go and relive your Saturday mornings.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The copyrights

PMP is back! And wondering if we should move to tumblr.

However tumblr has a little checkbox you MUST agree to every time you want to upload music.

I have permission to let Tumblr use this under the Terms of Service

probably everyone checks it with no qualms, and uploads copyrighted (but not to them) music onto the interweb for everyone. I admit, I am a pirate where certain things are concerned, but I pay for the things I believe deserve their price tags. I don't pirate music (anymore).

So this wanton uploading of copyrighted, licensed songs by artistes. Sure, you're sharing them with the world, but you're also giving it away for free when you have no right to...

I wanted to upload the song Comfortably Numb to tumblr to herald the first post on pmp@tumblr, but that checkbox stopped me. I guess it's a personal choice. I doubt Roger Waters or D Gilmour are going to come hunt me down for uploading one song but still.

I think we'll stick to good old fashioned blogger and youtube until filesharing becomes a little more conscientious and legal.

In the meantime, here's something yummy.

I stayed up for like 10 hours just to watch this! One of the best moments ever.