Monday, January 4, 2010

Blink182 - Take Off Your Pants And Jacket (2001)

You could say that this album pretty much defined my early teenage years. Blink182 were the first band I really knew about, their songs were the first I played really loud, the first I sang to, the first I ever related to. Though they sang about being 16 or 17, and I was only 13 when I first listened to them, they really, really touched my heart. Why do all good bands break up? Thank god they're kindasorta together again.

Blink182's TOYPAJ album is... wonderful. My copy is disgustingly tarnished (I know, weird) and scratched as hell on the underside but it still plays more or less okay. I'm listening to it now, and... well, I feel like it's timeless. Unless the teens of tomorrow decide to only embrace shitty music like R&B and gangsta rap, this will always speak to someone.

Blink's TOYPAJ album is, to me, the epitome of being a teenager. Yeah, it's kinda old, but growing up is pretty much the same regardless of what decade you're in. You might have landlines one decade and cellphones the next, but the things you go through, and the feelings you feel, are always and will always be the same. You're always gonna be scared of what a girl thinks of you on your first date.

But their lyrics aren't the only things that speak to me. There's something about the music, about Mark, Tom and Travis's playing that makes you want to get up and dance. The drumbeats are great, but Travis is a really great dummer. <3 I don't particularly have a ear for music, but this could probably top my list of greatest albums ever. I mean, it's perfect. I'm going to be listening to this even as an old lady.

Verdict? LISTEN TO IT. Buy a copy and keep it well so you can pass it down to your kid.

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